
Colors and Markings of U.S. NAVY F-4 Phantom

This publication is intended to be a companion to Colors & Markings of U. S. Navy F-4 Phantoms. Part 1, Atlantic Coast Markings, which is Volume 17 in the Colors & Markings Series. In this new volume is complete coverage of all U. S Navy Phantoms that were based on the Pacific coast. Our presentation is not limited to the squadrons of the Pacific Fleet that flew the Navy versions of the Phantom, but it also includes the three Pacific Naval Reserve Squadrons, two evaluation squadrons, and five Navy test centers located in the western United States. As with Part 1, we begin with a brief review of the wide variety of paint schemes and markings used on Navy Phantoms throughout their operational service. At one end of the spectrum are some of the most colorful and elaborate schemes ever seen on combat aircraft. These were used during most of the Phantom’s service, but over the last several years in which the Navy operated the F-4, there was a steady progression toward less color and low-visibility markings. Next, we illustrate the Phantoms of the fifteen squadrons in the Pacific Fleet and the three Pacific reserve squadrons. These are arranged in numerical order. It should be noted that three of the fleet squadrons, VF-142, VF-143, and VF-151, are also in Part 1, because they each served a tour aboard Atlantic Fleet carriers using Atlantic Fleet tail codes. The two evaluation units, VX-4 and VX-5, are covered next. Finally, Phantoms used by the five test and evaluation centers are illustrated. These are the Naval Missile Center, the Pacific Missile Test Center, the Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility, the Parachute Test Center, and the Naval Weapons Cen ter, which are covered in that order.

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