
Captured Tanks under the German Flag

The term “captured tanks” refers to armored vehicles captured and reused by the capturing troops. These tanks were either captured by the fighting forces in usable condition, or were quickly made usable, in order to replace their own losses or strengthen their fighting power. There were such tanks—quite a large number of them, in fact—used as individual units in very many groups, even within infantry divisions. The main thing was that drivers and crews could be found who could operate the weapons. But most of these tanks had a very short life, since spare parts and ammunition were lacking. In the latter case they were often used as towing tractors. To avoid confusing them with enemy tanks, the captured tanks used at the front were usually painted with large-dimension German crosses or swastikas—on the bow as well. Captured tanks also include those taken on the battlefield or in factories, which were overhauled and made usable by industries (including those in occupied countries) or larger military repair units. Entire combat units, from column to brigade strength, were equipped with these tanks.

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